Monday, September 05, 2005

Kanye West's Outburst / President Bush is not worthy of his position!

It is a pity to Africans and Blacks alike that eventhough the Hurricane Katrina affected Americans, it really affected the Blacks the most because they are the poorest and most deprived of anything worthy in their own country, What is the diffference when in Africa, we africans suffer in the hands of our leaders and in America, the so-called SuperPower is also not taking care of its own black citizens. Most of the evacuees before the hurricanes were mostly whites and asians if to say and the ones left behind are the blacks, which the CNN is using as their movie screening everyday since the aftermath of the Hurricane. I dont blame Kanye West's outburst because he couldnt believe and no one can believe that only the Blacks are the ones that were greatly affected only just because they couldnt get enough resources to evacuate before the disaster.Check it out :: Kanye West ::
I do pray that the people that are affected will be helped now and not in a slow pace but make it quick because people are dying of hunger and diseases can spread faster in this kinda situation, not to talk of the looting and killing by the desperate people there also. May God help us all!


jof_views said...

It's very pathetic to see something of this nature happening in the domain of the world superpower. Katrina realy shows the dark side of the United States.

Anonymous said...

you're so right. i totally agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I think you need to get your facts straight before blogging.

Tayo Salami said...

@ rachel... what do u mean by facts?

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