Its been a while since I have blogged..... cos I was bugged down with "acada", what else, okie running up and down... not hustling though.. just the usual stuffs that you never know why you are doing it but you just do it cos of the love of socialising.... hmm...(sorry no "owanbes" parties in M'sia!!!)
Anywayz... I have been using Firefox for like.... umm.. cant remember when I downloaded it but it seems like ages... and whenever I found myself using another peep's PC and he or she doesnt have Firefox, I always grumble inside my brain.. damn... I wont enjoy surfing the net, but I dont even use IE except those website that are not Firefox-friendly, some websites dont even want to know it exists but I think this is the best of the best... ok... maybe I am exaggerating but I just love Firefox... thats why I felt like blogging about it... Its all bout the loving baby....lolz
Anywayz.... technically, IE still gots room for improvement, I tried using Opera but I dont fancy it much... still trying to figure how it makes me tick, cos it doesnt, IE needs to "improve and expand"... whatever that means... I am not a dont blame me if I cant start writing all those things that IE isnt.... so.. folks... hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.... yup, and I hope some of you didnt forget my turkey... make it a"turkey sandwich".. lol...
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! you love firefox. well i haven't really used it yet but it's giving me nightmares (my site is not firefox friendly), how sad.
looks like you are still bugged down with acada! Gone are those days for me, and I doubt I would have had time for blogging too (the internet did not exist in my days).
Shola Ogunlokun
I want to fly a hang glider across the UK
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